Women’s Moon Lodge Building Immersion

Date to be announced!

“When each woman honors her Self, more raw, creative energy is available to be used by the whole to effect changes in the way humankind reacts to life.” ~ Jami Sams from her book, The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers


P1100900 (Medium)The Women’s Moon Lodge can be found in indigenous cultures throughout the world. It is a place for women* to come together and honor their connection to the Earth, as well as the power and wisdom each woman carries. This 4 day wilderness immersion will offer a special time for women to gather as we rebuild the women’s moon lodge (built from grass, bark and other primitive materials). In the evenings, we’ll come together around the campfire to share food, fellowship, stories, and songs. There will also be time to explore the Northwoods by canoe, learn about edible and medicinal plants, cordage making, wilderness first aid, basic weather forecasting, and other wilderness survival skills.

Join us for a weekend where conversations will go beyond the surface level, having the depth of the ground we are rooted…through song, sharing the stories of our lives, and weaving a tapestry of feminine strength that is rich, inspiring, and feeds a deep place within us. The Moon Lodge is a place where women honor the moon time (to honor the depth of relationship, wisdom, and intuition). Women carry the moon in their wombs, allowing them to access emotional intelligence that is specific to being a woman. Come as an empty bowl, open to nature, and let your curiosity be the path to the unexpected.


DSCN1404 (Medium)Participants will have opportunities to learn: 

~ Respectful gathering of roots, bark, and grasses.
~ Making cordage from natural materials such as from the inner bark of            Basswood and Cedar, Nettle stalks, and Spruce and Fir roots…
~ How to camp comfortably in the wilds along with choosing the best campsite      locations.
~ How to build a bow drill fire.
~ Primitive cooking (with and without pots).
~ Wilderness first aid.
~ Basic weather forecasting, and more…

DSCN1594 (Medium)

Date: To be announced

Location: Nishnajida (Ojibwe for Camp Where the Old Ways Return) is the home of our yearlong Wilderness Guide Program. Six miles from the main campus and support community we call Nadmadewining, and within walking distance of pristine Woodbury Lake. The camp can be reached by canoe, by forest trails, or by road to within a mile of the camp. 

Tuition is $400 and includes food, equipment rental (canoe, paddle, life jacket), and instruction.

For more information or to register, email Odemakwa@teachingdrum.org



* We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and we welcome trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified.

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