Many people adopt pets from shelters, which means going through the shelter selection process and taking legal responsibility for your new furry friend. Shelter animals can make good buds, and they cost less than buying a dog or cat from a breeder (although there are still costs associated with adopting animals). But you probably know a lot less about their origins and have little guarantee that your pet is healthy or friendly, which can lead to liability issues. If you`ve received a quote or are involved in a legal dispute, discussing the issue and your legal options with a lawyer can be extremely helpful in fully understanding your rights. Knowledge is power, and even if you decide not to hire a lawyer to represent you in your case, their input and advice will be beneficial. All lawful rescues in New York State must be registered with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. If you observe a rescue group that apparently illegally adopts pets or solicits donations, you can file a complaint with that department. In addition, all legitimate 501(c)(3) rescue organizations operating in New York State must register with the Office of the Charities of the New York State Attorney General`s Office. For suspicious adoptions or donation requests, you can also file a complaint with this office. Since 1979, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has been leading the fight for the legal protection they desperately need – and deserve.

Your generous support is critical to our continued success. Your next decision is to represent yourself in court or hire a lawyer. Each situation is unique and only you can decide. However, there are significant benefits to having a lawyer, including familiarity with the process, the court, and the skills required to present the evidence needed to support your case. Legal fees are usually a factor in selecting and hiring a lawyer. It`s also helpful to ask yourself, “How much will it cost me if I don`t hire a lawyer?” Consider this question not only in terms of legal and legal fees, but also in terms of the consequences you or the cat(s) might face if you lose. Alley Cat Allies is an advocacy group. We do not provide legal advice or represent individuals in legal proceedings.

The following information is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Robyn is originally from Colorado and takes great pride in serving her community. Robyn attended Colorado State University before earning her J.D. from the University of Denver`s Sturm College of Law. She began her family law practice and represented children in cases of abuse and neglect. Robyn is passionate about providing comprehensive and empathetic legal services to clients of all backgrounds and experiences. She attaches particular importance to helping those who do not have a voice. An avid animal lover, she spends much of her free time taking long walks with her extra-large Byron bulldog mix.

Robyn is a proud member of the Colorado Bar Association, the Weld County Bar Association, and serves on the Colorado High School Mock Trial Committee. If you are involved in a situation where you may need to hire a lawyer to protect yourself and the cats you groom, the following information will help streamline the process. Keep in mind that the sooner you seek help and legal assistance, the better, whatever the situation. We found this dog and it was in terrible condition. Covered fleas is the body. After the dog was bathed well, the whole tub was covered in blood, how serious the infestation was. We fell in love with him. A week later, the owner finally contacted us. We had to return it because that`s how it works legally. For over 10 years, Barbara has dedicated herself to working with individuals, families, businesses and government agencies on a variety of animal-related issues. He provides legal advice and advice to clients with respect to transactional and contentious matters, including those that go to mediation, such as: animals illegally offered for adoption on the street / fake charity We offer a variety of legal representation options: full legal representation, where we handle every step of the case, until the selection of tasks, which our law firm will carry out for you. We offer paid consultations if you simply want legal advice so you can handle your case yourself.

Whatever your needs, we`re here to help. Madison Steffey is a licensed attorney in Oregon and Colorado. She attended Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, specifically for its animal rights program. She was inspired to study law after hearing about Tokitae, a captive killer whale stolen from her family as a calf that has been lying in an illegal-sized tank at the Miami Seaquarium for more than 50 years. Madison immersed herself in everything the program offered; She joined the Animal Law Review, was co-director of the school`s Animal Legal Defense Fund section, and interned for the Center for Animal Law Studies` Animal Law Clinic, before receiving a certificate in animal rights. My (dear) husband`s hybrid domestic cat is constantly doing damage, slowing down my property, peeing and pooping in virtually every room in the house, and is not safe around my newborn (he has beaten him in the past and cannot be trusted near the baby – but with extra caution, as I am not aware of any other incident). My husband and I are currently experiencing serious relationship issues (not just related to the cat) and he doesn`t seem to care enough about my baby`s well-being or quality of life to do anything about his cat or comply with my request to remove it. How can I legally remove the cat? Do I have to live with this cat until my husband moves? Only my name is on the mortgage because my husband moved in with me before we got married. Help animals get the legal protection they desperately need and deserve, and make sure they have a lawyer in courtrooms and legislators across the country. Once you`ve decided to hire a lawyer, it`s time to find the right one for your situation.

No matter how unique your situation may seem, there is always legal aid. One of the most important things is to act as soon as possible to hire a lawyer. Finally, although it is not always necessary, there are animal rights lawyers. Some lists are available online, including on Some nonprofits focus on animal rights, such as Animal Law Coalition (, Animal Legal Defense Fund (, and Lawyers in Defense of Animals ( They may not offer all the legal services, but they have resources and information that can help. Keep in mind that you can limit the amount of time, and therefore the lawyer`s fees, for the lawyer to spend developing their opinion on your case by preparing before the meeting and making it clear what representation you want. Some lawyers offer discounted flat fees, or sometimes even a free initial consultation, so ask about billing options. Otherwise, paying a lawyer for a few hours of their time can be a worthwhile investment. But there are certainly risks associated with owning a pet, and there are certain responsibilities you have to take on. And you have certain rights. So, before we take your next pet, let`s talk about the basic legal advice that every pet owner should know.

If you are involved in litigation (whether you get a quote or civil litigation), your first question is, “Do I need a lawyer?” Hiring a lawyer to get advice in a situation doesn`t necessarily mean you`re hiring that person to represent you in court. You may simply want an initial consultation to discuss the issue, the law or possible consequences, and then decide if you want additional representation. You will almost certainly benefit from consulting a lawyer to obtain an opinion on the legal merits of your situation. A lawyer can give you peace of mind and bring an objective perspective on the matter. As an important and emerging new area of law, animal law encompasses all types of litigation involving animal rights, protection and welfare, as well as long-standing commercial interests. Barbara J. Gislason is regarded nationally and globally as a pioneer and visionary in animal rights. His groundbreaking work included the creation of animal rights committees in state and state bar associations, as well as the drafting and adoption of animal laws, model laws, and policies. If you need legal help, please contact one or more of the following people to see if they can help: Barbara Gislason was the founding chair of the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) Animal Rights Committee and the MSBA Animal Law Section.

Minnesota was the sixth state in the country to achieve animal rights section. Section status both demonstrates acceptance and anchors a specialized field in the legal profession. Barbara is passionate about all matters related to animals and would be happy to meet with you to discuss your legal issues regarding pets or animals. Is there even a way to get my dog back? I abandoned my little dog on 6.3.2020. I wanted my dog back and returned within 24 hours, but the shelter had already adopted him. If you observe animals offered for adoption on the street and they appear to be showing signs of neglect, or if the adoption worker does not appear to be a credible rescue organization, you can report the situation to the local police station. It is recommended to physically visit the local district. Ask to speak to the ASPCA Liaison Officer. If you are told they don`t have one, ask the Neighbourhood Coordination Officer (NCO). You can mention that the person operates as an unlicensed pet dealer and requests donations without 501(c)(3), in addition to any neglect or abuse you may have observed, such as: lack of adequate protection from the elements, drinking water, signs of illness or malnutrition, etc.