(b) Company will retain its principal place of business in the District of Columbia and maintain a designated agent to accept service of the claim on behalf of Company. Notice or service on the representative shall be deemed to be a notice or service to the Corporation. (4) For many of our citizens, the availability of legal services has strengthened confidence in our government and laws. SEC.1003. (a) In the District of Columbia, there is a private, non-profit corporation without members, called the Legal Services Corporation, which provides financial assistance to individuals who are unable to afford legal assistance. 2. This inspection shall be carried out at the place(s) where the company`s accounts are normally kept. Representatives of the Office of General Accounting shall have access to all books, accounts, financial records, reports, records and other papers or assets owned or used by the Corporation and necessary to facilitate the audit; and these representatives have full facilities for verifying transactions in balances and securities supported by depositaries, tax agents and depositaries. All such books, accounts, financial records, reports, records and other documents or property of the Corporation shall remain in the possession and custody of the Corporation for the entire period commencing on the date on which possession or custody commences and ends three years after such date, but the Office of General Accounting may require the custody of such books. Accounts, financial records, reports, records, documents, or property for an extended period of time pursuant to Section 117(b) of the Accounting and Auditing Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 67(b)). The general policy of the Department of Justice is that in-house counsel perform legal work within the statutory mandate of the Department.

Footnote 1.On occasion, however, the Department of Justice also relies on private law firms and legal practitioners appointed as legal representatives to assist in the delivery of legal services. Legal agents provide legal services under contract with the Department of Justice. (d) (1) Notwithstanding any other legal requirement, the Director of the Economic Opportunities Office or the head of a successor authority, in cooperation with the President of the Legal Services Corporation, shall take such measures as may be necessary, including the provision (by grant or otherwise) of financial assistance to recipients and the Corporation and the provision of services and facilities to the Corporation – the Department of Justice. decides, in consultation with the appropriate client department or agency, who is responsible for paying the associated costs, whether the legal work should be outsourced. The decision to outsource must be duly justified and approved by the competent judicial officer and must only be taken into account: 37.113-1 Waiver of cost limitations. (a) The Head of the Agency may waive the cost insurance limits set out in Article 31-205-6(g)(6) for severance benefits paid to aliens for contracts that (1) provide significant assistance to (i) members of the armed forces stationed or deployed outside the United States, or (ii) employees of an executive agency stationed outside the United States; and (2) performed in whole or in part outside the United States. (b) Derogations may be granted only before the contract is awarded. (c) Exemptions may not be granted for: (1) military banking contracts under 10 U.S.C. 2324(e)(2); or (2) severance pay paid by a contractor to an alien employed by a contractor under a DoD service contract in the Republic of the Philippines if the alien`s release results from the termination of U.S. military base rights in the Republic of the Philippines (Section 1351(b) of Public Law 102-484, 10 U.S.C. 1592), N.B.).

37.113-2 Request and contractual clause. (a) Use the provision of 52.237-8, Limitation of Severance Benefits to Aliens, in all applications that meet the criteria of 37.113-1(a), except those excluded from 37.113-1(c). (b) If the head of an authority has granted an exemption under 37.113-1, use clause 52.237-9, waiver of limitation on severance pay to aliens. The departmental tariff guidelines listed below serve as the basis for determining fair and reasonable rates for domestic legal representatives. While the following sentences serve as guidelines, each situation should nevertheless be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account factors such as the nature and complexity of the work, the area(s) and level of expertise required by a lawyer, as well as relevant market prices for that region, area of expertise and experience. (5) In order to maintain its strength, the legal services program shall be free from political influence or pressure; and 37,200 scope of the subsection. This subsection sets out the policies and procedures for contracting out counselling and support services.