It is understood and agreed that the easement hereby transferred gives and transfers to the Beneficiary the right to enter and exit the properties described above for the purpose of locating, constructing, maintaining, using, installing, removing and repairing sewer improvements. In further consideration for the above transfer, the City __________________agrees ____ A wide easement _____________foot (__) is hereby granted, which lies along and adjacent to the south side of the perpetual easement described___________________ foot (__) above. FOR AND TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the sum of one dollar ($1.00), cash paid and other valuable consideration, the preservation, sufficiency and relevance of all that is recognized _______________________County the_____________________ GIVEN UNDER my hand and the official seal, it is the ____________day of ___ WITNESS OF MY SIGNATURE on this ____ The city _________________stipulates that during the construction of an adequate entrance and exit are maintained so as not to interfering with the affairs of the Grandor. Index:____ ,__ The City ____ The Licensor hereby reserves all hydrocarbons, gases and minerals currently in its possession on, in and under such lands The grantor warrants that the property in question does not form part of its property. 11-year-old winner in all categories: forms, features, customer service and usability. PERSONALLY appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the said counties and states, on this ___PAGE_____________________________ __.