In my experience, students are the best at playing by the rules when they are involved in their creation. Guidelines and ground rules should be posted in the classroom so that students can easily identify with them. If students or teachers feel that additional rules are needed, they can be added later. 5. Click Create and your first rule will be added. You can see this as part of the group rules. To create other rules, click on “Create” and the same dialog box (see point 4) will appear. Take a look at some tips from Facebook for writing good rules Sheenu, the administrator, listed 10 rules that explain very well what their FB group is and what culture it has. I had read a book called “Made for friendship” this summer. The book begins with a quote from C.S. Lewis. “To the ancients, friendship seemed to be the happiest and most perfect of all loves; The crown of life and the school of virtue.

The modern world ignores it by comparison. Over the summer, I began to wonder what friendship really is. But to be honest, in the hustle and bustle of life, I hadn`t pursued these thoughts any further. Ironically, since socialization is limited, I think I might start to relearn the concept of friendship. MODEL 4 – For Facebook groups about food and cooking Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic and expressive discussions make groups great, but can also be sensitive and private. What is shared in the group must remain in the group. Police will continue their tried and tested approach of engaging with the public, explaining rules and encouraging gatherings to disperse, but will have the power to enforce the rules and impose fines if necessary. As you read, you`ll know everything about group rules, including: Read ahead of time some tips for writing good rules and regulations. Under the legislation, it is illegal for people to gather indoors or outdoors in groups of more than six people, with offenders liable to fines of £200 for a first offence. The logistics were a bit complicated, but we worked hard because we believed in what we were doing.

We thought about the pros and cons of the technology we were using, but we also thought about our core values as a group. In the end, we decided to attend (on Zoom) for the welcome and a short introduction to the Bible discussion. We then discussed the passage in our groups and gathered again for comments and prayers. The “personal” clusters were on one screen per house, the online cluster connected individually. “Directors tell us that they remind members of the group rules by posting them regularly in the group. If necessary, repeat certain rules in the comments of animated conversations when handling member conflicts. Below, I`ve shared 5 of the best examples of Facebook group rules in different categories – Parenting, General, Buying and Selling, Food, and Fitness. In the group rules (rules 4, 6, 8), the admin team has made it clear what types of contributions are not acceptable in the community, i.e.: Links, spam/memes forwarded and anything related to Covid. Once new members want to join your Facebook group, you can get their consent, whether they`ve read the group rules or not.

Prospective members must check the box when they have read and accepted the rules. Venues that meet COVID-19 safety guidelines – such as places of worship, gyms, restaurants and other pubs – can still accommodate more than six people in total. But in these places, there should not be individual groups of more than six, and groups should not mix socially or form larger groups. Detailed rules go hand in hand with meaningful, high-quality conversations. It also reduces general confusion and questions, as you can tell members what rules you`ve set. It`s best to encourage members to read other people`s posts or comments to see if their questions have been answered in advance. 3. All rules in your group will be displayed. Click the three dots next to the rule you want to edit. Click Edit Rule Anyone caught in England in groups of more than six people will be fined. A recent update from the British government meant that people could no longer socialize in groups of more than six people (the “rule of six”). The announcement dashed hopes that social distancing rules could be lifted by the end of the year.

In this blog, I do not take an opinion or a party on this rule, but I think about it in relation to friendships. Before you set an idea or rules, just for the main idea, try to have a general discussion with your team members and existing group members. They will give you a preliminary idea of the type of group they want to see! So instead of fighting what we don`t have, I want to be able to adapt and thrive with what`s possible. This is a time of year when we can meet in small groups. According to Priya, this group size is perfect for creating an atmosphere where a real and authentic friendship can grow. Even in these strange times, I would like to learn to live like the ancients, “where friendships are the happiest and most human of all loves.” These rules also appear with membership questions and are visible to anyone who requests to join the group. In Scotland, you meet other people from a household indoors or outdoors, in groups of up to six, except in certain circumstances. In addition to the ground rules for each FB group, the admin team made it clear: So, make sure you add them. Apart from that, you can add more rules depending on the type of conversations that take place in your Facebook group. In a way, it would have been easier to stay on Zoom as a large group. But we decided to be creative and see if a different approach is what we need this season.

Universities have had to change the way they teach this academic year. Some teach online, others revolve around how you learn, listen to the lectures themselves, and get together to discuss. Hopefully some will still teach in person! Step 2: Now, click on Create and you can use the custom rules or create them yourself. Step 3: Customize the rule and click Create. By following the same process, you can create multiple rules for your Facebook group. If at any time you feel that members are not following the rules and are asking for contributions that are not allowed, you can easily decline this post and tell them what rule their post has violated. 4. A dialog box will appear asking you to create new rules. You can add information under Title and Description to create a rule. Overall, a good set of rules is a limiting factor in any Facebook group. So add rules to your FB group if you haven`t already. 4.

Higher level of exchange and intimacy. The smaller number formed groups that had a higher degree of exchange and intimacy, this was evident in the discussions, but also in the conversation afterwards. By selecting one or more rules in a post, group administrators can remind members of the group`s rules. To pin rules to your Facebook group, you need to create a new post, paste all the rules, and pin them to the top. If you`d like to learn more about how we`re adapting to the Rule of Six and see it as an opportunity to dive deep into the rich friendships of our Community Host Group, click here. IFES student groups focus their strategy in small groups To learn more, click here. When you make changes to your rules, administrators recommend deploying them in smaller increments, not all at once. Incremental rule changes and admin transparency give the community time to adapt and react. Your rules will change and evolve with your community. In addition to the usual reasons why a community needs a set of rules to function, Facebook group rules offer additional benefits. Let`s take a closer look. We are fascinated by the concept of blended learning and blended teaching and its impact on church life.

I have seen colleagues organize national trainings while meeting in small groups to listen and discuss, and I help plan an international conference with personal national groups. Often, teachers worry about cooperative learning because students could stray from the task or, worse, cause problems. I understand this concern and know from experience how difficult it can be for some groups to work well together. 2. Each person had a greater opportunity to express themselves. The optimal conversation takes place in groups of 4-5 people. I had thought for a while that our group was too big, but because it was so fluid, we had not split into two parts. It was wonderful to hear people speak and contribute in ways I had never heard before. Anyone caught breaking the rules will be fined. When I started thinking about some of the implications for my life, I remembered that the number six is pretty good for friendships.