It`s always best to consult a lawyer before taking legal action to make sure the case is one you can present with a chance of success. Most local bar associations have lawyer referral and information services that can provide you with a limited consultation with a lawyer for a small fee. Information is also available at your court`s peer support centre. Read our section on free, low-cost legal aid to learn more about how to find a lawyer and get legal help. In addition, each judicial district has local rules that describe certain procedures specific to that court. This may be the office of the settlement mediator or the office of one of the lawyers, or the courthouse or other place agreed upon between all parties and the settlement mediator. Everything that happens in a dispute is governed by either a law or a rule. If you are a party to a case (as opposed to a witness), you should bring all witnesses to your case. If not, you may want to bring a close friend or family member to get moral support and encouragement.

Everyone who comes to court with you should dress well, just as you did. This website provides information to individuals who represent themselves in civil cases in the District of Arizona without the assistance of an attorney. This website is intended to be an informative and practical resource for these litigants and is not a substitute for legal advice from an experienced lawyer. The information is procedural in nature and should be read in conjunction with the federal rules of civil procedure, the local rules of that court, and the individual practices of the judge handling your case. In addition, this website contains the following documents that may be useful for you to represent yourself: Guide for Self-Represented Litigants and various forms for commonly used documents in civil matters. If you are charged with violating a civil law or court order, you have been served with a substantial order. DON`T IGNORE THIS ORDER! This order tells you that you will come to court and tell the judge (“show reason”) why you should NOT be sent to jail for breaking the law or an order. If you do not show up for your hearing, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. By following these steps, you can feel prepared, avoid unexpected surprises on the day of your hearing, and clearly present your case to the court. If you do not wish to attend a conciliation conference, you can file a motion for an apology from the conciliation conference telling the judge why you do not wish to attend. The other parties will have the opportunity to respond to your request. The judge may decide to release you from participation based on what you and the other parties have said in your application and response, or he or she may hold a hearing to get more information.

Just because you ask for an apology at the conciliation conference does not mean that the judge will grant them! Clerks can give you information from the court file, including your case number, who the designated judge is, and what pleadings were filed by telephone. The telephone number of the case clerk is 505-455-8268. Conciliation conferences and mediation are two processes in which an impartial third party – the “neutral” – is used to facilitate discussion between the parties, but the timing of the process and the role of the neutral in each process are slightly different. In DM cases, the court determines the date and time of the conciliation conference. The decision to appear in court without a lawyer is important and must be carefully considered. The sole purpose is to provide general information about the court case. This should not be taken as legal advice on whether you should have a lawyer for your case or how to represent yourself in court. You MUST provide the other party or their lawyer with a copy of everything you submit. You can deliver it by hand, by e-mail, fax or e-mail. You must indicate in your written submissions when and how you provided them to the other party. This is called a “certificate of service.” On the other hand, mediation may take place before a lawsuit is instituted; It is often used to avoid disputes. It can also be used in cases that have already been submitted.

New Mexico courts offer mediation in cases where the parties cannot agree on custody. Mediations are conducted by trained and experienced mediators who may also, but not be required, be lawyers. The role of the mediator is to help the parties talk to each other to help them resolve their dispute. A non-legal mediator is not qualified and should never offer an assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of each party`s legal cause. When you receive the voucher, call the law firm to make an appointment. The lawyer you see can advise you on your particular situation. Bring the voucher to give to the lawyer. If the lawyer cannot see you, call Court Constituent Services at 505-455-8145 to arrange to return the voucher you have and get one for another lawyer. Remember to be polite to lawyers who offer free services.

If the parties cannot agree on a settlement mediator, Court Services will assign a person from the court`s list of lawyers who are qualified settlement mediators. The settlement facilitator`s areas of expertise are aligned with the nature of the case to ensure that the settlement broker has the experience and background to understand the legal issues of the case and assist the parties in reaching an agreement. If you do not have a lawyer, proceed “pro se”. If you represent yourself in court, you will be called a “litigant” or “self-represented litigant.” “Pro se” is a Latin term meaning “in one`s own name,” and a “litigant” is someone who sues someone or is sued in court. You must follow the Code of Civil Procedure and local rules if you appear in court for any reason and if you file anything. A free half-hour consultation with a lawyer is also only possible on voucher. You can get a voucher by participating in the whole orientation and then applying for a voucher. Call Court Constituent Services at 505-455-8145 or visit the PSC between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday to receive a voucher. Vouchers are only valid for 90 days after they are issued, so don`t ask for them until you know what to ask the lawyer. Lawyers are assigned to a random list; You cannot apply for a voucher for a specific lawyer.

Click here for more information on court preparation. Know that what you are asking with this motion is that the other party tell the judge (“show reason”) why they should not be sent to jail for not complying with the order. To determine whether or not to prosecute, you should consult a lawyer. In all cases, the court file consists of documents that are filed with the court registry. Documents filed are generally referred to as pleadings. The pleadings tell the court what the dispute is about and what the parties want the court to do about it. The Code of Civil Procedure and local rules tell you exactly how to file a claim. Be sure to read the rules before submitting a case or before responding. The information provided here is NOT legal advice and may not apply to all situations. It is HIGHLY recommended that you consult a lawyer before making any decision or action in your case. Most of the information on this page relates to family law matters, such as divorce, filiation (paternity) and child support. You can get all forms on the court`s website: “Forms” or at the self-help centre on the ground floor of the courthouse.

Use the court forms! The PSC telephone number is 505-455-8146; The email address is 3) Prepare the proof that you will use in your case. Not all evidence can be used to support your case. At the hearing, the judge or magistrate may tell you that you cannot present certain evidence. Don`t get frustrated when you`re told this and move on. For all documents you plan to use as evidence, make sure you have copies for yourself, the opposing party and the court. The court and the opposing party shall keep their copies. You should also talk to your potential witnesses to prepare them and let them know that they may need to answer questions from the opposing party or the lawyer and judge. Remind your witnesses to dress appropriately and turn off all devices before entering the courtroom. Here`s what a caption looks like for a notice of hearing in a divorce case filed in Santa Fe County: But if you`ve had several people working on your home (like an architect, structural engineer, and general contractor who in turn hired subcontractors and purchased supplies from different suppliers), It becomes very difficult to prove who is to blame.

When something goes wrong. And you would probably need an expert witness to determine the error and explain it to the court.