Debbie Schwartz is a former financial services executive and mother who navigates college admissions and pays for college. With expertise in personal finance, analytics, and marketing, she strives to give families the information and tools they need to make smarter academic decisions. Learn more about paying for college education at Join the conversation with other parents and professionals at Paying For College 101. No one wants to think of vandalized dormitories or stolen property, but it happens. You should check your home insurance policy to determine if your child`s belongings are covered while they are at school. It`s especially important to make sure their laptop or tablet is covered so they can always do their homework. If your child lives off campus, they may need to purchase tenant insurance. If the child is studying in another country, it may be necessary to take out medical evacuation insurance. Before your child goes to college, it`s a good idea to schedule medical and dental appointments, preferably at least a month before they leave. There are a few notable exceptions that do not require a FERPA exemption:1 Check to see if your landlord`s insurance covers your child`s belongings while they are in college.

Some home insurance policies only cover a child`s belongings if the child lives in college-owned or operated living space, such as a dormitory. If the child lives in a fraternity, sorority or off-campus apartment, they may need to purchase tenant insurance. Now let`s talk about money. In any scenario where a child is unconscious or incapable, the parent should be able to make financial decisions on behalf (and in the best interest) of the child – and yes, there is a form for that too. According to Campbell, “Enduring general power of attorney gives you power, . Manage your bank accounts, pay bills, sign tax returns, apply for government benefits, break or apply for a lease, and conduct similar activities for your child`s financial and legal affairs. “You can`t always predict when someone will have to contact you or someone else on your behalf. Keeping a list of emergency contacts with names, phone numbers and addresses can be beneficial in a variety of circumstances. All of these forms must be signed in advance before your child goes to university. You also need to make sure they and you have both hard copies and online copies, as you need to have a way to easily present documentation to all health care providers! They would be shocked to know how many parents felt powerless in an emergency situation where they were told absolutely nothing because there was no release. This also applies if your young adult is in your insurance! You are of legal age. If the permissions are not signed, you are not up to date.

Period. Other acceptable identification documents include a tribal identity card and a common military access card. International students can use their permanent resident card or passport. Before an emergency occurs, here are the most important documents your child needs to have with them before going to university: A continuing power of attorney gives a parent the power to handle financial and legal matters on behalf of the child if the child is unable to work. This allows the parent to manage bank accounts, pay bills, file tax returns, cancel contracts and apply for government benefits. HIPAA is a federal law that prohibits healthcare professionals from sharing a person`s medical records with third parties. A HIPAA authorization (also known as a HIPAA waiver or HIPAA consent) is a legal document used in conjunction with a healthy surrogate. This document authorizes your student`s health care professionals to grant certain people access to your medical records. How to get it: This document also varies by state. You can see your state`s specific requirements and sample forms here. Similar to the power of attorney for health care, the state can provide a simple standing power of attorney through the state`s website.

For an extended document, including power over digital assets or business powers, you may need to consult with an attorney. FERPA consent forms allow your student to designate specific individuals (such as parents) who want access to their student records. The legal document is useful in situations where parents need to talk to or get information from a college`s financial aid office, dormitories, registrar, and maybe even a teacher (try not to get past that). Most students are on their parents` health insurance, but it`s important to confirm before going to college, especially if they`re attending school out of state or in another country. You will need to complete a HIPPA form for the state where you reside. If you attend an out-of-state school, you may also need to complete one for the state where your parents or guardians live. In addition, the legal expert advises parents to have a signed Power of Attorney for Health designating you as a “medical agent” who can not only access your child`s medical records, but also “make informed decisions on their behalf) if your child is unable to do so on their own (i.e., because they are unconscious or otherwise unable to work). In the absence of this form or a court-appointed guardianship, “health decisions about your child`s diagnosis and treatment are entirely in the hands of doctors,” Campbell says.

In other words, this document can help you avoid a situation where you and your child are helpless in the event of a medical emergency. This content has been developed from sources purporting to provide accurate information provided by Twenty Over Ten. It cannot be used to avoid federal tax penalties. Please contact lawyers or tax specialists for specific information about your individual situation. The opinions expressed and the materials provided are provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as an invitation to buy or sell securities. Better yet, try to avoid the hassle of replacing documents with photocopies and digital copies of important documents. Having these copies on hand will likely make it easier and faster to replace the original document you lost. Our parenting agency about him is gone.

Without their consent and consent, we will no longer have access to their medical and financial records.