3. What is the maximum effective range of pepper sprays? Pepper spray, oleoresin capsicum spray, OC spray, capsaicin spray or capsicum spray, mace is a tearing agent (a compound that irritates the eyes to cause a temporary burning, pain, and blindness) used in policing, riot control, crowd control, and self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears. [1] [2] Its inflammatory effects cause the eyes to close and temporarily impair vision. This temporary blindness makes it easier for officers to subdue subjects and allows at-risk individuals to use pepper spray to defend themselves in order to have an opportunity to escape. It also causes temporary discomfort and burning of the lungs that cause shortness of breath. The HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method is used to measure the amount of capsaicin in pepper sprays. Scoville thermal units (SHU) are used to measure the sharpness of pepper spray. In Israel, OC and CS aerosol cans can be purchased and transported in public by any member of the public without restriction. In the 1980s, this required a firearms licence, but since then these sprays have been deregulated.

[ref. needed] In Belgium and the Netherlands, it is classified as a prohibited weapon, and it is illegal for anyone other than police to carry pepper spray. [ref. needed] In the following table, we give a brief overview of the legal status of CO-based pepper sprays in twelve European countries. If you have any further information, especially about OK`s legal status in countries not mentioned, please let us know. It is a federal offense to transport/ship pepper spray on an airliner or possess it beyond security metal detectors at the airport. State laws and local ordinances regarding ownership and use vary across the country. Pepper spray up to 4 ounces is allowed in checked baggage.

[64] There is no way to simply neutralize the effects of tear gas, but a person can be helped to minimize its effects. [27] Keep the affected person away from the source and move them to fresh air. Avoid rubbing the spray on the skin, which will prolong the burning sensation. In order not to spread the connection to other parts of the body, avoid touching the affected areas. Repeated rubbing of the eyes can damage the cornea, so do not touch or wipe the eyes. [28] Many emergency and emergency services carry saline to remove the spray. Some OCs and CS remain in the respiratory system, but restoration of vision and eye coordination can be expected within 7 to 15 minutes. [29] The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin, which is extracted from the fruits of plants of the genus Capsicum, including chili peppers. Extracting oleoresin capsicum (OC) from paprika requires the paprika to be finely ground, from which capsaicin is then extracted using an organic solvent such as ethanol. The solvent is then evaporated and the remaining waxy resin is oleoresin capsaicin. [6] I wish I could carry at least pepper spray, but even better would be a .44 SW pistol and an ankle holster.32 Poland`s Supreme Court has long sinned that “the law is not obliged to flee against outlaws” (prawo nie musi uciekac przed bezprawiem), so that the police cannot accuse you of excessive use of self-defense, arguing that you could run away. In addition, the protection of public property also falls under the category “Obrona Mienia Vlasnego”, so technically you are completely within your right to self-defense if you use pepper spray with a hooligan destroying a bus stop and call the police.

Believe it or not, in the UK, pepper/CS is considered a firearm and has the same legal penalties as carrying a gun! If you are caught with pepper spray or import it, you must be arrested and convicted afterwards. You could even be threatened with deportation from the UK. “In my opinion, this looked very bad, even dramatically against the rules,” said Piotr Kładoczny, a lawyer at the University of Warsaw and vice-chairman of the board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. “We haven`t seen any assault, other than verbal aggression, from people against officers.” In Germany, pepper sprays labeled for the purpose of repelling animals can be owned and transported by anyone (including minors). Such sprays are not legally considered §1 WaffG weapons. Carrying (or on the way to) demonstrations can always be punished under §2 VersammlG. Sprayers that do not bear the words “water-repellent animal spraying” or that do not bear the Materials Testing Institute[1] (MPA) test mark are considered prohibited weapons. Justified use against humans in self-defense is allowed§32StGB.CS Sprays bearing an MPA test mark may be in possession and transported by anyone over the age of 14. [14] But even in countries where pepper spray may be legal with a license, use against anyone in the EU is usually an attack. Pepper spray is usually sold as a repellent spray against animals.

If it is intended for use against persons in self-defence, it may only be sold and transported by persons aged 14 and over. However, the use of sprays intended for use against animals on humans generally constitutes a criminal attack in the EU and can only be justified in cases that meet the criteria of de facto self-defence. The U.S. Army conducted studies at the Aberdeen Proving Field in 1993, and a UNC study in 2000 found that the compound in peppers, capsaicin, is mildly mutagenic and that only 10 percent of mice exposed to it developed cancer. Although the study also found many positive effects of capsaicin, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued statements in which employee exposure to CO poses an unnecessary health risk. In 1999, it was used by more than 2,000 public safety agencies. [17] Like the Taser, pepper spray has been linked to the asphyxiation of people in custody. There is much debate about the “actual cause of death” in these cases. There are few controlled clinical trials on the human health effects of pepper spray marketed to the police, and these studies are contradictory.

Some studies did not find harmful effects other than those described above. [12] The U.S. federal government does not mention Scoville Heating Units (SHU) or OCs in its requirements, only CRC (only for deterrent sprays against bear attacks). But there are countries (Italy, Portugal and Spain – see below under “legal”) and some states in the US that mention CB restrictions.