I didn`t have a good experience with this company. They took my money and didn`t even give me a prototype, they sent me pictures of something they had thrown away together. Mr. Leo Riza promised and did not fulfill his services. I emailed R&R employees in March 2014 to show off my product and see if they thought it was worth mass-production. Of course, they loved the product and assured me it would be a great selling item. Thanks to our transactions, I was never informed of the true cost of the entire project. Mr. Leo Riza did a great job selling me the fact that my product would be a million dollar idea, so I would initially invest $5,700 for a prototype. He bought it from buyers in his network and received his first orders. In return, R&R would assume 80% of the future profit for the organization of this agreement.

The fact that he took 80% alone should have been enough of a warning to me. But he assured me that his buyers liked everything he suggested to them, and that I would make a lot of money with my idea. When the process began, R&R employees seemed inexperienced and weren`t always prepared or confused during our phone conversations. A lot of calls were made to repeat our last meeting because the people on the project were not on the same page and the progress of the project seemed very slow. I expressed concerns when I personally tested the prototype samples and saw that it would not work. No effort was made to address my concerns, and better samples were never sought. They went ahead because it would take longer to get it right. I was shocked when they told me shortly after that I would have to spend an extra $16,800 to continue. In short, their predatory practices, future profits, and mediocre efforts were a waste of time and limited capital. They will promise you everything, take your money and never stop asking for more. You would not agree to repay even half of my initial investment of $5,700.00 when I requested it. I filed a complaint with the BBB and the Attorney General of the State of Florida.

Mr. Leo Riza emailed me saying he was outraged that I wanted a partial refund and refused to give me anything. My advice is NOT to work with this company! “HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! I found this firm online while I was looking for lawyers in Arizona. Robert, one of the partners, had commented on a thread and that led me to their website. I called and to my surprise, Robert answered the phone. I explained my unusual situation and it took ample time to understand and provide me with actionable information that I could use. In a standardized world where it is difficult to choose between services or professionals, it`s all about availability, expertise and extra mileage. These guys “get it.” I hope I don`t need their extra services, but things happen. If you`re in trouble, these are the guys you can call.

RR Law Firm has adopted an approach that requires the highest level of understanding in each of their business areas, technical skills and service delivery that enable us to provide accurate, reliable, timely and cost-effective advice across a range of industries and sectors. This is reflected in our team of employees. “The easiest team of people to work with! They made it so stress-free for me! I can`t say enough good things about this company!!! You deserve more than 5 stars! No questions asked, I will always contact R&R for any of my problems!!!! We strive to be the world`s leading law firm and provide consistent services across our practice platform. Integrity is important to us, investing in our customers is not our only promise. Our mindset is a blend of integrity, intelligence, energy and strategy and reflects the backbone of our firm. It is this striking character that defines us. At R&R Law Group, we understand that despite your alleged mistake, you and your life are much more than a bad decision or a legal misstep. Our firm is proud to deconstruct the fast pace of the criminal justice system to ensure that you and your case are considered with fairness and humanity.

Failure to honour a cheque is a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment for up to two years and/or a fine. R&R Law Group brings a new and persistent approach to criminal defense to ensure your rights are protected and to achieve the best possible outcome in your case, while maintaining security, clarity and hope in your life. 1:10-cv-02212-RDB Monk v. R&R Professional Recovery, Inc. State v. Salim K. Scottsdale Municipal Court Count 1: Disorderly Conduct Count 2: Criminal nuisance Result: Dismissed. Our RR Law Firm team will create the strongest case possible to support your claim and fight for a positive outcome on your behalf. RR Law Firm`s partners are recognized market leaders in their respective fields.

They have specific knowledge of the legal framework and specific business requirements of various industries. They have a well-established experience in running businesses and individuals according to their specific needs to do business in India. State v. Mark P. Ironwood Count 1: Criminal speeding Result: Replaced by Civilian speeding. RR Law Firm`s legal team facilitates the protection of an innovator`s patent| Copyright| Trademarks| Rights in various technological fields The experience of the RR Law Firm team extends not only to traditional real estate, but also to the practice of modern commercial real estate Civil litigation is the process in which civil cases are resolved in court, such as: a contractual dispute between companies. A common misconception in the legal community is that the old ways are the best. Not at R&R Law Group. Solving today`s complex legal problems requires solutions that go beyond the mold and challenge traditional ways of thinking. Every year, we help thousands of people accused of crime navigate the criminal justice system and solve their criminal cases.

Conquer your ticket. You are not a criminal for a traffic violation! Read more “I wanted to thank you all so much for helping my son!!!! You have all been amazing and I appreciated that whenever I had a question you had, I felt welcome to call and contact you at any time. Thank you again for all your work and for giving my son a second chance, he deserves it and appreciates it!! Best wishes to you all. Call us today to schedule a free case assessment at 602.833.7089 or email us at [email protected]. Being accused of a crime is one of the most difficult situations you or your loved ones will face. We`re here to help. With over 30 years of experience, our legal team is here to provide our clients with representation, problem solving and advice from start to finish. We provide representation in all areas of criminal defense, including: Where to start, – The owner is a scammer who engages in borderline illegal practices with his employees. He takes advantage of employees who come from outside the country by promising them a visa and holding it above their heads, even though he pays them absolutely nothing for it. They are verbally abusive to their employees, treat them like children and treat them as if they were absolutely replaceable.