It was arguably the most important target the U.S. drone program has ever eliminated. Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of other definitions and an advanced search – ad-free! It seems that Mab was a stationery dealer (presumably the publisher) and Harper was the printer, not the author. Even the House of Representatives, arguably more Democratic, has only 10% black members. Nglish: Translation of probably for Spanish speakers You need Florida, no doubt, at least in terms of the electoral college. Despite the actions of a few flawed people, it is arguably the best professional police force in the world. Probably use the adverb to describe something that can be claimed or shown in a certain way. For example, you might say that your favorite teacher is arguably the best teacher in your school. When you explain that a particular restaurant makes arguably the best milkshake in town, you mean that a strong argument can be made for their shakes. Probably use if you want to underline or support a statement or opinion.

The word was first used in the late 19th century to mean “as the arguments show”, from the Latin root arguere, “to make known, prove or demonstrate”. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “good”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. “Probably, too,” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 2 October 2022. Whether you like Garth Brooks` music or not, one wonders if he`s the last and only pop culture populist. The right of the State to refuse divorce in the event of the mental illness of one of the spouses seems difficult to dispute. The Well of Solitude by Radclyffe Hall Probably the most famous lesbian novel ever written. Where would it be more likely that in Israel a magistrate would meet a controversial command? It is questionable whether the decorative soldier is suitable for bright buttons and can waste time and effort on them. Even now, it`s doubtful that Harry Potter`s legacy is greater than anything Rowling can do to diminish it.

Even the only questionable victory in the Gulf War is inconclusive in the minds of many. It can also be argued that its use indicates a time when the king`s death was recent. In fact, it`s doubtful that high-growth figures like season tickets and sales will be a lower priority for the club – at least initially. How much he owed to Rubens and how much Rubens162 owed him in painting is a controversial question. It`s hard to imagine any of our young First Ladies, with the questionable exception of Michelle Obama, going all the way. Some (many) critics will say that the seven offensive films that are cheesy, poorly made and questionable are too much. While it`s debatable whether targeted advertising changes the way people vote, it`s proven extremely useful for collecting other contact information, such as email addresses, and raising funds. It can be argued, and I would, that without them we would have been denied the glory of the Flowers of Evil.

There`s no denying that shiny buttons are a valid feature of a monotonous and harassed hospital garment. Youth, beauty, apparent power, and even the most controversial personal virtues can be sanctified by sudden and violent death.