Mr. Williams served as Legal Counsel to the Ministry of Natural Resources for 10 years, including Chief Legal Counsel at the Office of Legal Services since 2015. During this time, he worked closely with the Legislative Assembly under two administrations. Like the UW system, the DNR is one of the largest executive agencies of the state government. It also has a geographic presence similar to the UW system, with a presence in virtually every county in the state. As Chief Counsel, Mr. Williams was responsible for legal advice, research, training and representation on a variety of complex national and national legal issues for the Natural Resources Council – MNR`s primary decision-making body – as well as for the ministry`s secretary and senior team. In his new role, Williams will serve as General Counsel of the UW System. He will provide legal advice to the Board of Directors, the UW System Chair, campus chancellors, and others on human resources, student issues, real estate, intellectual property, and other matters. The special employment status of faculty members in the UW system is consistent with academic tradition and reflects a national expansion of faculty rights that took place in the first half of the twentieth century. Permanency was increasingly accepted at the time as a means of promoting freedom in the conduct of research, freely discussing topics in the classroom, and actively participating faculty members in public affairs.

The role of faculty members as active participants in the governance of the university also increased during this period. These developments are reflected in the tenure systems established in the country`s universities. These menu items provide a summary of the law in current areas and answer frequently asked questions to counsel in the Office of the General Counsel. Select a legal topic to access all available FAQs associated with that topic. Does the UW system, as a government agency, have the authority to enter into such agreements or contracts in accordance with its mission and applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures? Is the topic new and innovative, something that has never been done in your institution before? If so, it may be necessary to consider other legal or procedural issues. If in doubt, contact campus or system legal counsel. The Office of the General Counsel provides the following examples of standard contracts and legal forms that can be used in general situations. The forms are provided for illustrative purposes only.

All academic contracts must be processed by the appropriate offices at each institution. If you have questions about specific contractual issues, please contact the UW Legal Counsel`s Office or your institution`s legal department. The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality, professionalism and integrity in the delivery of legal services and strives to provide timely and effective advice and guidance. There is no similar legal right for a faculty member being considered for renewal to require that such a meeting be held in open session, unless institutional policy provides otherwise. The Office of the General Counsel provides comprehensive legal services to the UW system, including advice on various legal matters such as human resources matters, student affairs, public records and public meetings, real estate, risk management and immigration, among others. The OGC also reviews and drafts policies; review, draft and negotiate contracts; represents UW institutions at administrative hearings; and liaises with the Wisconsin Department of Justice in litigation before the courts. A focus on proactive and preventive law is paramount, and OGC lawyers provide legal education to administrators and staff throughout the UW system. If the contract extends beyond the current credit period, it must contain language that makes the continuation of the agreement subject to the availability of appropriate means. Wis. Stat.

§16.75 (3); PRO-206. See contract specialist. This provision only applies when the system buys goods or services, not when it is paid for something. The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provides legal advice and representation to the UW Board of Directors, the UW System Administration, UW System institutions, and UW System administrators and staff, and liaises with state government agencies and agencies, including the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Q. If I am named in a lawsuit, do I have to hire my own lawyer? One. If the allegations in the lawsuit relate to conduct you committed in the course of your employment, the UW system can generally provide you with legal representation and compensation through the Wisconsin Department of Justice. (See sections 893.82 and 895.46, Wisconsin. Statistics.) Despite this, the university does not advise you whether you should hire your own lawyer. UW lawyers have expertise and practice in a number of general areas of law, such as discrimination law and employment law.

Because higher education law is complex, lawyers in the Office of the Legal Counsel also specialize in certain areas. If you have any questions, please email or call 608-262-2995. The Office of the General Counsel does not represent or provide legal advice to students, staff or the general public in personal matters, including challenges to institutional decisions. If you are seeking advice on a personal matter, you can contact the Wisconsin State Bar at (800) 362-9082 for an attorney recommendation. This section contains general information about contracts with institutions in the University of Wisconsin system. All contracts must be reviewed by a contract or grant specialist before being signed. This section does NOT replace review by contracting and grant specialists or legal counsel. Only persons who have direct written authority to sign contracts and agreements on behalf of the Board of Regents may sign contracts and agreements. “With his extensive experience working in a complex government agency, Quinn Williams has demonstrated a keen sense of the multiple financial, structural and demographic challenges faced by many organizations. This is an important position for UW System, and we will benefit greatly from Quinn`s leadership and legal experience,” said President Ray Cross.

The information presented on this website is for informational purposes only and nothing on this website should be construed as legal advice or relied upon. OGC or UW-Madison or UW-Milwaukee law firms must be consulted regarding the specific facts and circumstances related to the legal issues. Aaron G. Dumas joined the Office of the UW Legal Counsel in April 2022. Aaron was previously an attorney at Pines Bach LLP, representing clients in various civil litigation and other legal contexts, and frequently dealing with issues involving state and local government actors and policies. Prior to his legal career, Aaron worked in health IT project management and as a legislative assistant in the Wisconsin State Assembly. Aaron received his B.A. in 2003. laude in Government at Harvard University and in 2015 both a J.D.

laude and an M.P.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During law school, he worked as a trainee lawyer for the Office of the General Counsel.