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Journey to the Ancestral Self – audiobook
This book is an unabashed and unsentimental response to our repressed longing: to dance to the drum, to circle the ritual fire, to know healing lore from times when plants spoke. Tamarack Song teaches that the lifeways of all Native peoples are essentially one, sharing not only the same ceremonies and rites, but the same spirit and reverence for life. Regardless of ethnic or religious background, we all are essentially Native people who have lost our original voice.

Wild Sounds of the Northwoods – audio CD
A guide to identifying the sounds made by over 100 of the birds, frogs, mammals and insects that call the Northwoods (New England to Minnesota and adjacent Canada) their home. Includes a 40-page booklet describing the habitat and voice of each creature.
Wild Sounds of the NorthWoods is no longer being published. You can’t find this unique and valuable learning tool anywhere else.