Are you a person who desires a deeper connection with nature and your natural self? Are you a person who wants to learn and practice wilderness survival skills? Are you an outdoor skills instructor who would like to strengthen your primitive skills? Perhaps you are a research biologist wanting to learn how to be more comfortable when working in the field. Then this one-month wilderness immersion course focused on the essential skills you need for survival and comfort is designed for you.
Participants live in a group of three to five people at our wilderness camp on the shore of a pristine wild lake nestled deep in the legendary Northern Forest of towering pine, shimmering birch, and stately maple.
Check out the area
Wilderness skills and survival authority Abel Bean is your main instructor. With help from the Teaching Drum guide team, every day in this skill-packed intensive he presents expert-level workshops on:
- Campsite selection (how to choose safe and comfortable sites)
- Fire by friction (bow drill: basic and advanced techniques)
- Open-fire cooking, without pots and pans
- Wilderness first aid, when you need to be your own doctor
- Firewood gathering (how to find the best firewood in any conditions)
- Wild edible plant identification and gathering
- Lostproofing (learning to navigate in the wilds without modern technology)
- Weather forecasting (needed for comfortable living in the forest)
- Personal hygiene (vital for keeping healthy in the wilds)
- Natural food storage techniques
- Fishing and trapping with gear made on the spot
- Canoeing; advanced paddling and portage techniques
- Truthspeaking: essential listening, cooperation, and conflict resolution skills
- Dreamwork (personal guidance for interpreting your dreams)
- Primitive shelter building
- And more!
You put the skills to practice right away in your everyday camp life, so you know you have learned them properly and can rely on them. In addition, you experience first-hand what it is like to live as your ancestors of long ago did.
The course provides a rich format for growing in relationship with yourself, the natural world, and your campmates. You have the opportunity to learn effective communication skills that are applicable everywhere and that are easily integrated into daily life. After completing this Intensive, you will have a solid skillset of primitive living and survival skills that you will be able to apply in many and diverse environments.
Dates: TBD in 2022
contact us for private wilderness experiences at wildernesscourses@teachingdrum.org
Tuition: $2,500
For any questions and/or additional information, please email us at wildernesscourses@teachingdrum.org and/or call Abel at 715 – 546 2944
Participants must be 18 years or older or accompanied by their parent/guardian.
Please download the following forms: Application August 2020, Application October 2020
Send the completed forms to:
Odemakwa@teachingdrum.org or
Teaching Drum Outdoor School
attn OdeMakwa
7124 Military Rd
Three Lakes, WI 54562