The Hike Back to Camp from a Nadmadewening Dead Moon Visit

By Alex S.

It was about mid-sun as I decided to walk back to the camp. I told that to the guides. They asked me to wait for a special meeting. I did, and became more and more frustrated because it became late and I knew I would need to rely on the sun for finding the direction.

After the meeting Tamarack told me that I have to walk first straight east, and he drew me a  small map of the area. I started immediately to run. I knew from Tamarack that I had about 3 mealtimes of light. I ran and met a creek. I was confused about that since we did not meet the creek on our way to Nadmad. I followed the creek north, but this direction was different than what Tamarack told me. I traveled through a deep bog, and once I decided to pass the creek to walk on east. As I arrived at the creek I sank into the ground to my chest and decided to return and to walk on farther north. I had also lost my small map.

While running and feeling panic, I poked myself in the eye with a stick. I was panicked because I knew I only had so much light. I ran about 1 mealtime through a bog with cranberries and a nearly impassable area. Suddenly a lake appeared that I knew from stories. I was so happy. At this time there was still light on the tips of the trees to orient myself. I ran close to shore because I knew I had to follow to the eastern shore. I crossed a creek without sinking in again and drank a little bit from the lake water. As I arrived on the eastern shore, it was nearly dark and I was lucky to see some clouds with the sun on them. I knew the camp was south from there.

I ran down some trails not knowing where I was, only following the four directions. At one place a big deer looked at me. I am sure she was wondering what I was doing. Later, the sun was way down. With my few skills I felt unable to orient myself and felt panic again. Finally I arrived at a street that I knew and followed it to the camp. An egg roast before dark I arrived.


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